
Showing posts from April, 2024

A Maverick’s Journey

  A Maverick’s Journey The Unconventional Path: Chronicles of a Corporate Rebel Denzil Jayasinghe · 17 th June 1974 — That’s the day I graduated from my apprentice school. Back then, there were no o caps to toss in the air and no parents coming to take photos to share on social media. It was just another day. However, this story isn’t about my graduation but what unfolded after I became qualified to work as a telecommunication worker. I was unleashed on the unsuspecting public, a rookie with smooth cheeks and a wisp of hair on my upper lip, easily mistaken for a sixteen-year-old boy. A nobody who suddenly found himself delving into the art of distant communication with the rest of the world, mastering teleprinters, the dance of instant messaging, the rhythm of telegraphy, and the swift ballet of typing swiftly. My treasure was a stipend of three hundred and fifty rupees a month — a princely sum for a teenage dreamer without financial responsibilities. In the monochrome sea of office at

The River's Embrace

The River’s Embrace It is a story capturing a boy’s idyllic connection to the river. Denzil Jayasinghe · T he tranquil town of Moratuwa, nestled away from the hustle and bustle of Colombo, unfolded a tale of nostalgia and camaraderie. The river, a silent sentinel, bore witness to the joys of a young boy and his friends. “Come, let us go for a swim in the river,” Ajit, the weekend housemate and classmate, enticed with a mischievous smile. His invitation was irresistible, drawing the neighbourhood boys to the water’s edge, their laughter harmonising with the rustling leaves. The riverside, a haven under the shelter of ancient trees, provided comfort. The boys lounged on the grass, the sun casting intricate patterns on their skin, while the sky above unfurled — an infinite canvas of blue. As the river welcomed its swimmers, the boy felt a pang for those absent, bound by duties and studies. Casting off his clothes, he joined the river’s dance — a symphony of calm waves and warm sunlight. A

St. Joseph’s Juniorate

St. Joseph’s Juniorate Echoes of Innocence: Life at St. Joseph’s Juniorate Denzil Jayasinghe 8 min read · 12 hours ago A beautifully descriptive account of St. Joseph’s Juniorate in Sri Lanka in 1969 evokes a sense of nostalgia and wonder. With its serene courtyards, the monastery becomes a sanctuary for young boys — a place to grow and forge lasting memories. The rituals of arrival, the bustling energy, and the tender moments between parents and sons all contribute to the rich tapestry of life within those walls. The spirit of discipline, independence, and idealism permeates the juniorate, shaping young minds and hearts. It is a captivating glimpse into a world where good things seem bound to happen. N estled amidst lush greenery and the coastal beauty of Colombo, the grand De La Salle Monastery is a testament to the harmonious blend of architectural wonder and historical significance. Its sprawling and robust structures, like silent guardians, have become one with the picturesque lan