Mudalali’s Corner Store:


Mudalali’s Corner Store: A Haven of Comfort and Convenience

An Ode to Childhood Memories and Simple Pleasures

Denzil Jayasinghe
2 min read·Apr 29

AsI step into the corner store, the scents of freshly baked bread and burning oil greet me. Mudalali, the friendly shopkeeper, flashes me a smile and calls me “Baby,” a nickname he’s given me since I was little. I don’t mind it, though. It’s comforting, like the sound of the store’s floor under my feet.

I scan my mother’s shopping list in my cane basket. We need bread, sugar, tinned fish, and coconut oil — nothing too fancy. I don’t mind running errands for my mother, but I’m tired after a long day at school. Mr Suraweera’s endless talks and yelling still echo in my head, and I’m glad to be out of his classroom for the day.

Clusters of bananas are hanging at the entrance of the store. Mudalali sells everything that the villagers need in a hurry. The shop is popular with the villagers, and the owner, Mudalali, is liked by everyone, young and old.

Mudalali is a jack-of-all-trades. He expertly weighs items, easily handles cash, and keeps track of customers who buy on credit. He even makes tea for anyone who asks. I watch him in awe as he effortlessly juggles his tasks, wondering how he does everything. But when he hands me my change, his friendly demeanour never falters.

I spy a stack of notepads and notebooks for sale in Mudalali’s cabinet and yearn to buy them, but I’m short on pocket money today. Maybe another time. With the remaining change, I buy a few Narambic lozenges for my siblings. They’re not much, but they’ll be a sweet treat after a long day. My sister and brother would be glad to gobble them.

As I leave the store, I feel a sense of relief washes over me. The afternoon sun is warm on my skin, and I’m glad to be outside. I hurry home, eager to finish my homework and catch up with my friends. But for now, I’m content with the simple joy of running errands and being a helpful son.

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