The Big Brother Blues

The Big Brother Blues

The arrival of a little brother

mma’s been sick for a few days, Kadayamma,” I said, my voice laced with concern. “The kitchen doesn’t smell the same without her cooking.”

Kadayamma’s face creased into a warm smile. “Don’t worry, child. Your mother will be back to her duties soon. And besides, you’ll have a new playmate to keep you company.”

“A playmate?” I repeated, my curiosity piqued.

“Yes, a sibling! You’ll have a brother or sister to share your adventures with.”

I clapped my hands in excitement. “A brother would be wonderful! Someone to play with and share my toys.”

That night, I snuggled into Kadayamma’s bed, feeling the softness of her presence. The lamps cast a warm glow, keeping the darkness at bay. But when morning came, Amma was still not home. Aunty tended to my sister while I basked in the extra attention from my grandmother.

“Where’s Thaththa?” I asked Kadayamma, noticing Father’s absence.

“He’s busy, child. But don’t worry, he’ll be back soon.”

Two days passed, and Kadayamma took me to the hospital. As we walked into the vast ward, I spotted Amma with a tiny bundle in her arms. My heart skipped a beat.

“Kadayamma, look! A little brother!” I exclaimed.

The little fellow was darker than me, but I didn’t care. I was smitten. “Can we take him home now? I want to play with him!”

Kadayamma chuckled. “Soon, child. Soon.”

As I gazed at my little brother, I knew life would become more enjoyable.


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